PrajjoHR® Software on Competency Mapping and Assessment

PrajjoHR® Software on Competency Mapping and Assessment

by KenboxTech

A skill is the required knowledge and correlative muscle training to perform a task. It does mean that to perform a specific task, the individual should be having sufficient knowledge about the process and thereafter has to practice tuning behaviour. Competencies on the other hand are innate abilities, which either help in performing a task effectively or help in undertaking a task efficiently.

Different roles at different levels require specific skills and competencies. Skills can be the basis to allow a person to undertake a task, but the success to the person shall be dependent how competent naturally the person is to effectively perform the task. It does mean various people may be skilled but eventually the person who is bestowed upon certain abilities naturally will be the best fit in.

Keeping in view above fact, organisations do employ various tools and techniques to know about natural abilities and fitment thereupon of different people in their organisations, so that organisations can achieve their intended goals.

PrajjoHR® Software on Competency Mapping and Assessment is a comprehensive tool that not only take into consideration various requirements in the organisation at different levels but integrate them in such a manner that organisations get well stitched results for decision making. The decision making encompasses different requirements starting from the purpose, vision, band, functional and ends at values of the organisation.

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